n.e.a.t. project

connecting families to our environment

We are collaborating with Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina to bring NEAT — Nature Engagement Activity Trails — to our local parks and walking trails in Burke County. The NEAT Trailheads are designed to be installed along accessible walking trails, featuring prompts that promote engagement with one’s surroundings, support early learning, and connect families of all ages to our environment, for years to come!


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NEat trailheads


We are collaborating with the team at Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina to design a “kit” of 20 trail heads:

  • 10 English and 10 Spanish

  • 36” x 18” + metal post

  • 1 welcome and 9 activity signs in each language

Each of these signs will include prompts that promote engagement with nature, actions for all ages to experience surroundings through each of the senses, and educational tips about local flora and fauna.


Once the trails are ready to install, we will be seeking of 6-10 community volunteers. Tasks will include digging holes, preparing concrete, adhering the posts to each sign, and implanting the signs. To volunteer as an individual or group, please contact us directly!

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